In a recent report by Reuters, a medical research called “Zen,” has been conducted by Medtronic, a company known to manufacture health gadgets. This research will be responsible in coming up with a plausible cure for erectile issues by way of stents. This study will be beneficial to those men who cannot profit from and have not helped by any erectile dysfunction drugs, such as Viagra, Levtra or Cialis. Figures of more than twenty million males who fail to take advantage of the promises of these drugs may possibly achieve their sexual goal through this research.
This male gender setback has been associated with heart disease as has been proven by studies. However, medical practitioners have come up with an offer with a guarantee of addressing erectile dysfunction by way of a stent surgery. This heart disease causes blockage of the arteries, which always lead to disrupted and slower blood flow.
Stents are surgically planted in the arteries of the pelvic region in order to permit the arteries to bare and let blood flow as it should be. The constricted tube that slows down blood flow is one of the prime causes of erectile dysfunction. This fact is what stent is resolved to avoid. However, doctors are not still assured if the stent could function as it is conceived and so this latest research is aimed in establishing it.
This experiment would be simultaneously carried out to fifty volunteers through ten laboratories. The research will be the sole means in discovering its safety and prove the efficacy of the stents implant. It will provide the doctors assurance of its value to patients who need it.
According to Brigham Hospital in Boston, this type of medical procedure may perhaps benefit men belonging to the younger generation who have been afflicted with injuries in the pelvic area that contributes to the constricted blood flow.
It is noteworthy that this medical breakthrough was launched at an assembly held in Las Vegas for the Vascular Interventional Advances, which included stents that were inserted to thirty 60 year old and so males who is afflicted with erectile dysfunction.
This medical breakthrough will possibly serve as a primary opponent to the Viagra, Cialis and Levitra. This fact is supported by a very optimistic study on the stents. Medtronic’s research has proven that 70% erectile progress was achieved after three months when the stents has been surgically implanted. The outcome of the study posted no unfavorable side effects or health issues after the procedure.
This male gender setback has been associated with heart disease as has been proven by studies. However, medical practitioners have come up with an offer with a guarantee of addressing erectile dysfunction by way of a stent surgery. This heart disease causes blockage of the arteries, which always lead to disrupted and slower blood flow.
Stents are surgically planted in the arteries of the pelvic region in order to permit the arteries to bare and let blood flow as it should be. The constricted tube that slows down blood flow is one of the prime causes of erectile dysfunction. This fact is what stent is resolved to avoid. However, doctors are not still assured if the stent could function as it is conceived and so this latest research is aimed in establishing it.
This experiment would be simultaneously carried out to fifty volunteers through ten laboratories. The research will be the sole means in discovering its safety and prove the efficacy of the stents implant. It will provide the doctors assurance of its value to patients who need it.
According to Brigham Hospital in Boston, this type of medical procedure may perhaps benefit men belonging to the younger generation who have been afflicted with injuries in the pelvic area that contributes to the constricted blood flow.
It is noteworthy that this medical breakthrough was launched at an assembly held in Las Vegas for the Vascular Interventional Advances, which included stents that were inserted to thirty 60 year old and so males who is afflicted with erectile dysfunction.
This medical breakthrough will possibly serve as a primary opponent to the Viagra, Cialis and Levitra. This fact is supported by a very optimistic study on the stents. Medtronic’s research has proven that 70% erectile progress was achieved after three months when the stents has been surgically implanted. The outcome of the study posted no unfavorable side effects or health issues after the procedure.